Smart Maximo Mobile + offers instructions for carrying out tasks and includes capabilities to help the user perform effectively and efficiently.
Smart Maximo Mobile + offers a variety of technical features to assist users in executing tasks with effectiveness and efficiency.
If no network is available, you can still use the application and do all work on the mobile device, Once you connect again to the network, all data will be synchronized with Maximo.
Switch from offline mode to online mode can be automatic or manual (for poor internet connectivity ).
Enter work log by typing or speaking using chat display to update work performed or shift hand-over.
Receive notifications for work assignments and access assigned work orders, informing technicians of new work orders, modifications, and urgent updates.
Open the WO details automatically from the push notification.
Initiate or route any workflow related to Maximo objects.
Handle all workflow steps through Smart Maximo Mobile +.
-“Smart Scan” : Scan a Barcode and let the application guide you to the next step depending on the connected user profile and the barcode scanned.
-“Fast Track” : with one click, you can display data from the application and perform various actions like adding a work order.
Multiple Activation codes can be generated depending on the user profile (storekeeper, technician, Supervisor, Auditor……).
One Screen to report all work done by the fulfiller. Easy navigation and usability.
One configurable screen to perform the following: